Hajj in islam means visiting the sacred Mosque in Mecca during the certain dates in the muslim years,which are called "the month of hajj" these months are shawwal,zulqo'da and Zul Hijja.The pilgrite to mecca can only be accepted at these times and the condutions of performing Hajj can not be accepted before these months,for the holy qur'an says: "the Hajj is performed in certain months"
To perform the hajj there are anumber of rites which must be fulfiled : the fisth thing to do is enter ilham which means the sacred state, and than the one who performing Hajj must fulfil the following condutions.
When the pilgrim cames to the place IN WHICH HE SHOULD PUT ON ILHAM HE SHOULD CUT HIS MOUSTACHE AND NAIL, HAVE A BATH OR ABLUTION,PUT SOME PERFUME ON HIS BODY AND THEN PUT ON THE DRESS OF ILHAM.tHEN HE SHOULD PRAY TWO RAKA'ATS AND HAVE INTENTION OF PERFORMING Hajj or Umra or both of them together.This is one the most essential things of the pilgrimage and should not be dispensed with.Once the pilgrime has done these he has started on the sucred state which we call ilham and then he should start the Talbiyah which aloud voice,particularly when he climbs to a hight place,or descends to alow,or meets a group of people,or a single person, and towards the end of the noght, and at the of each prayer.
Rabu, 09 Desember 2009
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